Manual I: Basic Rules

September 11, 2019
  • Editor Note:  According to Mike Trojan, the word “whore” means “the man who squeezes the juice from life and lives up to his full potential in the process. It DOES NOT APPLY TO WOMEN unless, of course they are professional sex workers
  • This whore manual teaches a man to become so attractive that he could be a whore, ie, he could charge woman for sex.
  • INITIAL CONSIDERATION: Study your interaction with your mother. Are you overbearing? Are you mean to her? Are you cutting her off? Are you telling her what to do? Are you listening to what she has to say? Are you talking “at” her and not “with” her? Are you being impatient, moody, letting it all hang out in a bad way? No big deal if you are — but if you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve found a critical reason for your inability to relate to women. You secretly want them to be quiet while you unload your bullshit. Damn.
  • A woman wants a man to want her, not need her. A man who needs leans. A man who wants, stands firmly on his own two feet
  • Will fame, money or looks give you better luck with women? Not unless you need these to stand on your own two feet. You’d be surprised at how many men have all of three of these things and still can’t get the woman they want. This is because they haven’t learned to stand alone. They may be cool as hell when they’re relaxed, but don’t know how to communicate their coolness to strangers. This only comes with practice.
  • Be joyous and hold others (especially her) up–not down. Remember, she is never responsible for your sadness. It’s not her job to cheer you up. It’s your job to remain cheerful when she is in a bad mood.
  • If you really like a woman, she may not be able to see you because you lose yourself around her and she thinks that lost lame-o is you.
  • You do this because you’ve somehow become convinced that she can offer you more than you can offer her. Maybe you think her great beauty can fetch a far better price than your coolness? Not true. There are exactly 100 hot women per 1 cool dude. Cool dudes are far more scarce than hot women.
  • Given the fact that a pretty woman has most likely had more than her share of great looking guys — a much greater number, by far, than you or even some super chiseled GQ model has had of great-looking women — she’s most likely grown tired (and if not, she will grow tired) of simply going for “lookers.” What she wants is a fun guy. Why? Because she sees him as the rarity/catch. In fact, most pretty women are so sick of good-looking, boring guys, that they actually either avoid dating good looking guys or — and this is an important observation — they’re assessment of looks becomes almost completely dictated by how the guy makes them feel. If a guy can make things fun for her, she’ll think he’s the hottest dude on the planet.
  • Interestingly: Insecure hot women are basically in the same trap as insecure cool dudes — but in reverse. They only consider themselves pretty if they can attract fun and cool dudes. If they can’t — if all they seem to get are boring, good-looking guys — they will begin to harbor grave doubts about their attractiveness. Hard to believe, but true.
  • If you harbor even the slightest insecurity about yourself, it and nothing else will eventually come out as a very un-pretty outburst the minute you get weak around her.
  • How do you eradicate insecurity about yourself? This is a complex question that has a simple answer: Learn how to be a whore. A whore knows he is cool. After all, he’s not only a person, he’s a valuable product!
  • Believe me, you will never eradicate insecurity through direct attempts to get a particular woman to like you (i.e., through visits, calls, flowers, compliments, and so on). In fact, if you go to her with this in mind you will not only make her like you less, your insecurity about yourself — being dependent on her liking you — will grow larger.
  • Never discuss “we” or “us”. Speaking about the relationship too often kills its magic. Defining relationship boundaries limits possibilities and frequently turns the woman off.
  • Do not mention your feelings for her, they are irrelevant in spoken form.  They will necessarily come out when you hand with her.  Her freedom is what you want and would even fight for.  Give her a relationship with a man that is not based on any need.  This This will fulfill her more than any royal treatment would.
  • Do not discuss “what ifs” with her.  For example, “what if I told you I was seeing another woman?” or “what if you found one of my friends attractive?”  In general, “what if” questions are questions about boundaries.  And boundaries just shouldn’t be discussed.
  • When in doubt, choose inaction rather than action. Probably the ultimate principle of the universe.
  • Don’t speak unless spoken to.
  • Chose brevity over verbosity.
  • Whenever she says something, pause before your reply so she might say more. Because the more she speaks–no matter what she says–the better you are.
  • Because the less you say, the deeper you are.
  • Because the more she says, the deeper you are.
  • Because the less you say, the deeper you are.
  • Laugh only when you find her jokes genuinely funny.
  • Only make jokes you find genuinely funny. Don’t define funny by what she laughs at. Attractive women often find anything funny when they are feeling good, making them a poor test audience for your material.
  • Never show or indicate jealousy. It’s a huge turnoff. Never place limits on her freedom, another big turnoff.
  • Always give her as much space as possible.  Don’t smother her with gifts, phone calls, affection, or compliments.  
  • Do not phone a woman unless she phoned you or unless enough time has elapsed to make the call a pleasant surprise. ANY situation can be fixed by this rule. There are no hopeless situations when you remain disciplined in this manner, believe me. This is just how women are and there is nothing you can fucking do about it, cry as you may.
  • She is blowing you off, is she?  Realize how much better you have it than if you had a stalker for a girlfriend. Needy women are very annoying, and also far more likely to cheat when they feel slighted.  Just, hang back.  Do not call her more than once a week. Don’t show frustration in the message you leave or if it takes her a long time to get back to you. Resist the urge to even mention it. It’s a test of your stalker quotient. Not even acknowledging the blow off aces the test.
  • How long should you wait? I’ve devised a mathematical equation to answer that question. Take the number of days since the last time she e-mailed, called, or visited double it, then double it again. But that’s not all. You must then meet — just meet — 10 new hot women for every time you called (or e-mailed or visited) and didn’t get a response from her. If, of course, you’ve lost count of the last number (because you were being an impatient wuss), 30 will do just fine. Remember, you’re not trying to ‘pick up’ all of these new women. All you are required to do is speak to them. The rest will take care of itself.
  • Ok, let’s say you made a mistake and turned her off. Just completely ignore her for a week, even if she reaches out.
  • Next time you speak to her act like nothing is wrong. Do not apologize or bring up the mistake.
  • Let’s say she shows the faint signs of renewed interest. Be polite but brief. In your brevity you may occasionally include unconventional complementary remarks, e.g., “You have exquisite earlobes.
  • But again, be frugal and somewhat ironic with such praise. Remember, it is currency that only loses value the more it is produced. Simple Whorenomics.
  • Never criticize anything or anyone in the presence of a woman. Women are generally more cynical than men, so they don’t need a reminder. Quite the opposite, you should be providing an escape and distraction.
  • There is one person you can criticize, however, so long as you do it in kind of a cocky/funny way and never in an angry way: Her. You can criticize her all you want. Avoid criticizing her weight or her looks, however. AND REMEMBER, she must be able to easily see that you are not serious in your criticism. If she gets insulted, you’re doing it wrong. For example, you see a hottie with a big coffee stain on her shirt in the internet cafe. Look her in the eye, smile, say: “Nice Shirt!” or “You know you’re shirt says a lot about you!” You might just get her number
  • It’s also a turn on for her for you to talk about how stupid you are. It’s refreshing since most men she’s been out with will brag about their intelligence to her.
  • Never question a woman’s purity, it’s an instant turn off.
  • Never bring up former lovers. Another turn off. If she brings it up, change the subject.
  • Don’t bring up another man she might be interested in, unless you’re going to compliment him (see next point). If you criticize him, the woman’s brain will build him up and grow more attracted to him. Crazy, but just trust me that it is true.
  • If she speaks of another guy she seems to be interested in, praise him. Then watch as, without asking, she will tell you all the things doesn’t like about the guy. By the way, this is what she doesn’t like guys in general, so listen well. But don’t take her side. You should actually take his. This will then lead her to double-down on his faults which you can reluctantly agree with. This is a brilliant little reverse psychological technique that never fails. Most men will do the exact opposite, of course, and drive her to defend the guy.
  • Remember, when a woman praises another guy to the guy she’s hanging out with, it is not primarily her intention to make him jealous or to say that she would rather be with the other guy.  It is to let the man she is with know what she likes in a man.
  • She will sometimes will try to make you jealous by praising another guy. You should only act flattered by this since it as a clear sign that she’s into you. When you sense a woman doing this, the best way to respond is to compliment her.
  • Remember: there are tons more hot women than there are cool guys (about 100 to 1) — so you, being a cool guy, owe it to each and every one them to give them a chance with you. If they fail to see your coolness, wish them luck (cuz they’re gonna need it with those odds) and move on to the next one.
  • Have fun because it IS fun to meet someone new. It stimulates your mind and slows both your and her aging process. Approach her for this reason, not because you think you need to get laid.
  • Heavy emotion, if not given in small sips–like cognac–is repulsive.
  • Praise is like currency. It gets devalued the more it is produced. If you constantly praise her, you will quickly need truckloads of such praise to cause even the slightest effect.
  • One must always keep in mind that the woman is a genius with the sense of humor of an eight-year-old. The man is, on the other hand, more often an idiot with the attention span of a toothless dirty old fool.
  • When your mind draws a blank, imagine you are an eight year old. Place yourself in that wide-eyed mind state. Think about what would catch a child’s attention. Become a child.
  • When you’re around a woman that attracts you, your mind sometimes goes blank. You can’t think of anything to say to her. After all, you probably don’t know her that well and you don’t want to freak her out, but you really do wish to impress her. This makes you scramble to “keep her talking” asking her dumb questions — like where she’s from and other bullshit like that. In your attempt to be non-threateningly normal, you become some sort of boring interviewer in a daytime talk-show. Here you run the risk of coming off as boring and needy — which spells death for the conversation. If this happens, what you should do is simply read off your current thoughts. What are you thinking about in that moment? Just say it to her. It will most likely be a lot more interesting to her than anything you’re going to “think up” on the spot trying to sound clever. For example you can tell her: “Y’know I can’t think of one damn thing to talk to you about. You’re intimidating! Anyone ever tell you that?”
  • Smile as much as you can. But don’t force it. If you find it hard to smile, take 3 sets of 8 breaths through your nose — expanding your stomach first and then your chest as you inhale.
  • Beware of playing the joker–for the wig-out is around the corner. The secret wish of every joker is to be taken seriously. The only way you’re going to be taken seriously is if you never take yourself seriously.
  • To be more specific: never take your desire for a woman seriously. The minute you do, your desperation will KILL HER ATTRACTION.
  • If the woman has cast you off and taken on another lover, do not worry. Just praise any qualities you see in her new man and be calm. You should even encourage her to cultivate the relationship. For this is the only way that she will know that you are her best companion.
  • Do not move in to kiss her too often. You’re doing it to affirm your possession. It’s big a turn-off.
  • Do whatever it takes to keep humor high. If your spirits drop, go find solitude. Sleep.
  • Beautiful women can literally take your breath away. Don’t forget to breathe and make sure you keep breathing deeply. The primary cause of slip-ups around women is the lack of oxygen.
  • Why is a woman called hot? It is to emphasize the shock of beholding her, similar to the shock of being submerged in a hot tub of water. In the case of hot water, the body can adjust to some high temperatures, but it must be acclimated gradually, beginning with lukewarm water and slowly raising the temperature. Try the incremental approach: small doses of the same hot woman that slowly get bigger. Remember: most new hot women burn in under 5 minutes. So don’t make the first meeting more than 5 minutes.Another way to this approach is to speak to progressively better looking women and work your way up to the hot ones.
  • In short don’t think too much about what her mind is doing. The danger is grave if you do: you’ll become a semi-lady yourself. Once this happens, the Manual can do little for you.
  • Realize that there are no absolutes, though her speech may contain words to that effect. Words like “break-up,” “need space,” and so on only acquire as much meaning as you give them. Thus, you may also use them frivolously as you see fit. This is because actions and the way you say words are a thousand times more significant than the raw meaning of words. Time erases all bad feelings.
  • If you wig on something she says to you–it WILL become a reality. But be careful, don’t wig on this fact either! Remember: time away heals all forms of aversion.
  • Never fall under the delusion that lack of contact with her will cause her favorable feelings for you to wane. On the contrary, her feelings will grow in the mystery of your absence. When you finally do return to her life–even months later–she will only have forgotten any aversion she might have felt for you.
  • Hot women are very sparing with the “windows of opportunity” they afford. And once they open it, you better jump through, or she will punish you by opening it for someone else — and by never opening it again for you. So my general recommendation to you is to always go for the first kiss as soon as the possibility presents itself, no matter how imperfect or awkward-feeling. Awkwardness will only grow as you wait for it to pass.
  • Don’t try to initiate physical affection with a massage. This of course is one of the oldest tricks that rarely works. A massage is quite welcome after sex, but given before it’s a weak move, exposing your lack of balls. You come off lecherous and timid, not very alpha traits.
  • A talking woman is more akin to the beautiful song of a bird than to a read-out of a particular thought pattern. You can’t assess a woman’s thoughts by what she says. The fact that she is talking is all you should care about. If she is talking a lot, you’re in good shape. If she’s not, you’re probably not.
  • Never ask “How are you” or “What’s wrong?” or “Are you alright?” to get her talking. 
  • If you find she is silent for a long period of time, it is better to act foolishly than it is to try interview questions. 
  • If you must speak, speak in praise of someone or something, not her though. 
  • Listen with playful ears. Encourage her to speak favorably of others by doing so yourself. 
  • Many will read these instructions and ask: “What about love?” The answer: Love is too primal and too real to be blunted by these considerations. However, without these considerations, love can easily regress into one-sided or mutual neediness.
  • Here’s a method which will give you a bunch of women wanting to pay you for sex in few months.
  • In the Fall, it’s the best time to set up your prospects for the following Spring ‘mating season.’ Identify 5-10 women in your area who you have the ability to flirt with for 5 minutes or longer. The best woman for this are bartenders, waitresses, and store clerks who have regular schedules. Visit each one periodically and flirt with them, but don’t ask them for a date. Just flirt and leave. Over the course of several months, this technique will build a foundation of attraction that usually blossoms in the spring season. In the spring, women get naturally horny and when they do, they will be looking for someone new to fuck… but not someone too new. When you put your work in the way I describe, you’ll be the perfect candidate.
  • In between these short flirt-visits, you will have a good amount of time on your hands. With this time, you should work on a talent. Take advantage of your free time alone time, because once you start to internalize this manual, you’ll have to beat the women off with a stick!
  • You gain more from this Manual you have going for you than the Manual. The success of the Manual is predicated upon your mastering of a number of non-whore related talents. Since you will inevitably have waiting time in between seeing her, you must use this waiting time to develop a small number of artistic talents. I strongly recommend a musical instrument be mastered in these waiting periods. The payoff is incalculable.
  • This manual will grow with your questions and comments.

Manual II: The Approach

December 7, 2009
  • For those of you who hate rejection, there is a good way to avoid  it some of the time.  Before approaching a woman, see if you can get a semi-clear “buying signal” from her.  Look at her.  If she holds your gaze for a beat, give her a smile.  If she gives you a smile back, there’s your signal.   It is now your responsibility to approach her if you want anything to happen. 
  • But rejection really shouldn’t bother you that much.  In fact the whole purpose to macking is to develop the skill of maintaining your confidence in the face of rejection.  A real man goes after a hot woman when he sees her and doesn’t care if she rejects him.  He just make sure he gives it a try.  Your confidence will grow with each attempt.  It has nothing to do with success.  This is hard to believe, but so true.
  • The balls to approach is a turn-on to women.  It basically gives off the vibe, “I go after women who I think are hot and I don’t give a damn if I’m rejected, because it’s her loss.”  This vibe cannot be faked.  It can only come after a number of cold approaches.  It is a sign that you are a dominant male, and not some wimpy ass who couldn’t protect her in a moment of danger.  Remember this when you hesitate to approach, thinking: “I’ve got nothing to say”.  Find some words and approach.  It will impress her, even if she has to reject you because she has a boyfriend or something.  It will also build that “vibe” that women find irresistible.
  • If you haven’t gotten laid in over a month and wish to do so, stop masturbating until you do.  It will make the difference in those moments of hesitation that cause opportunities to slip through your goddamn fingers.  When you are over-satisfied by your own hand, you will more easily talk yourself into inaction when it comes to making the necessary moves.  Who once said, “he who hesitates masturbates”?  It should be said the other way around:  “He who masturbates hesitates.”
  • One of the first errors a guy makes when approaching a new girl is that he builds her up in his head, thinking of her of some GREAT PRIZE.   This attitude gives off the vibe that she is of greater value than you are, and you will quickly see her respond to this vibe you are emitting by disrespecting you.  The correct attitude to have in an approach is that you are giving her the OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME.  That is to say, if she fails to be attracted to you, the loss to you is small, but the loss to her is HUGE.  Why is it so huge for her?  Well, because you’re a cool dude.  And the ratio of cool dudes to hot girls — and this is a scientific fact — is about 1 to 100.
  • Nevertheless, hot women are used to being placed on a pedestal, and while they are quite comfortable there, they are also bored and creeped out by dudes who put them up there through his supplicating behavior.  These women have a secret wish to “meet their match” in the realm of perceived value.  In pursuit of that, some even prefer abusive men to overly nice guys.   They reason that punks are at least more interesting than good boys.  Indeed, it seems that at least some of these women would actually prefer to be mistreated than to be ass-kissed.  Of course, all abusive men are really just lowlife, insecure fuckers compensating for their insecurities by acting like brash assholes.  But the lesson to be learned from these losers is that a confident front — even a bullshit one — usually wins over a meek one.